Friday, January 16, 2009

So this is the new year...

A few things I am excited about in the new year ---

- The February 17th release of Dark Was the Night: The AIDS benefit album will feature a few funky collaborations (e.g. Feist + Ben Gibbard, Conor Oberst + Gillian Welch, etc.) and new songs by Sufjan Stevens, My Morning Jacket, Bon Iver, The Arcade Fire, Iron & Wine, Spoon, The Decemberists, and Beirut. In lieu of new albums by most of those artists, this is the next best thing. Get more info about the release here.

- A new presidency: I'm a moderate in most ways. (Actually, I recently decided that I'm a social libertarian and an economic socialist, if that's a possible marriage). And, unlike many others, I don't have a laundry list of grievances about the Bush administration. But the one thing I missed most throughout the eight years of this presidency was an adept public speaker. Bush just didn't have the skills. Obama does. I'm excited.

- Going back to school: I know, it's a bit egghead but the prospect of moving to a new place and earning a degree while doing something I actually enjoy sounds like gravy. I have nine graduate applications submitted to nine schools in eight different states - one less now, regards to Indiana - and I'll be getting my rejection/acceptance letters any day. (And in case I solely receive rejection letters from all nine schools, my "Plan B" is to locate a good Masters in Teaching program here in the Pacific Northwest).

- The re-release of Once a Runner: The rare, out-of-print John L. Parker novel is finally getting a second printing and is due out in April. (For those interested, see my January 2nd post about the book).

- Finally getting a cat: Some of you have been hearing Adie and I whine about wanting a cat since we both moved to Portland. Well we haven't visited the shelter yet and we may not be able to afford any of those fancy collars or scratching posts, but we do have a name picked out. So, Steve Knutson, wherever you are, I promise this is the year you come home.

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