Saturday, February 21, 2009

Personal Art Movements

Yesterday, a BBC article on the 100-year anniversary of "Futurism" caught my attention. Futurism, as a personal art project first outlined by wealthy Italian poet Tommaso Marinetti, lauded the glories of war, thrill seeking, and a world without libraries (while also placing an emphasis on the scorn of women). It's grand, aggressive, largely revolting stuff and I won't go into more detail, though the full article can be found here. Anyway, due to my own ignorance, I had originally listed futurism as one of my interests on a few profiles (including POAB's). This was a case of total cluelessness. You see, in the beginning, I had mentioned "escapism" as one of my hobbies and only recently had begun to replace it with the alternate, aforementioned -ism. This was solely due to my (false) impression that a "futurist" (which I identify as) practices "futurism" when, in fact, he/she actually practices "futurology", a far less odious art form. I apologize if I offended any pacifist, female librarians in the mix-up.

In any case, per the BBC's urging, I wrote out my own art manifesto ---

Values of Dodoism:

1. Wit is overrated.

2. The over-consumption of wine is entirely original.

3. Distrust anyone who calls themselves "eclectic".

4. The phallus is overused as an object of art. (I mean, look at it for god's sake)

5. 1 is white, 2 is green, 3 is red, 4 is brown, 5 is black, 6 is green, 7 is yellow, 8 is red, 9 is black, 10 is white...

6. No one, not even you, ever knows what you're talking about.

7. Slow down. Geez.

8. Trust your friends and family, save for the "eclectic" ones. (See #3)

9. While action is admirable, sleep is king.

10. What's the name of that movie with Bo Derek and Dudley Moore? I can never remember the name of it...

11. God has a sense of humor. (Just look at the dodo or the penis)

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