Monday, January 19, 2009

The selling of an inauguration

For those of you paying attention to anything media-based, we're in full inauguration mode in America, as many news outlets are now featuring round-the-clock coverage of "inauguration week." Was the event always this crazed? When did it turn into a weeklong party? In any case, I've enjoyed reading a few critics dissect the madness of it all.

Over at the XX Blog on Slate, Sara Mosle briefly discusses the sudden flood of Obama/Inauguration/Hope kitsch. Upon finding the merchandise stacked in a shrine at her local Bed, Bath & Beyond, she ponders if "such trinkets may inadvertently turn out to be the first installment of Obama's stimulus package." (It suddenly feels like my duty to go out and buy such junk...but I'll still refrain).

On The Onion's A.V Club page, Amelie Gillette lambasts the more overt attempts to capitalize on tomorrow's historical event by showcasing an $1,800 "Hope" handbag that is available in python, lizard, or ostrich leg (!?) skin. (In this case, I'm less tempted to invest).

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